Tuesday 8 April 2008

it's yer...money I'm after baby

Writing this now from the Metropolitan Hotel in Bangkok, recommended by Luxe Guides (the more than slightly snooty guide book series that markets itself as being unashamedly elistist - "the best of the best") as "The Temple of Suave for the stylish bodkin". I do hope I measure up.

This will be the 4th different bed I've stayed in in less than a week since leaving HK and it's not much fun. It's also got me thinking about just how much my job is, in many ways, like being a high class hooker, only valued and paid for for my intellectual skills rather than anything else I might have to bring to the party.

I see clients. I have an hourly rate. I spend a lot of time in hotels. I have many fleeting relationships which, whilst superficially might be quite pleasant, have at their base money. Ho hum.

Maybe it's time to brush down the CV and get myself a proper job?


Anonymous said...

From one point of view, we are nothing to society than the value of our labour.

& besides, if you do the math on the Spitzer thing, one can see that some of these girls can pull down US$500,000 per year working a two and a half day week.

Anonymous said...


I know how you feel... How about you come join us as the credible face of Global Psychobabble Liggers, Inc...


Mummy said...

What about if you sleep with a client? (not knowing your clients I have no idea if this is plausible). Should count those as billable hours?

Yours, cheekily ;o)

LottieP said...

I don't think a hooker's work could be described as superficially pleasant...

Anonymous said...

The best option is to start up on your own and get your own stable of hookers who you can pimp off to the highest bidder!

Stand back folks her comes Huggy Poobah!

Anonymous said...

I've seen some of Poobah's clients; and no, it wouldn't really be plausible or even superficially pleasant..