Monday 22 September 2008

I believe in miracles....

Moving home is a majorly stressful life event.

I am in the process.

This time last week I was packing up my old flat, under the supervision of one Mr Miracle, a HK removals guy recommended by a good friend of mine.

Turns out the name is well earned. Mr Miracle turned up, moved all my furniture single handed (I had assumed it was Mr Miracle and his team of Miracle Workers, but no), and, as we rattled down the road in his clapped out van, me clutching onto my peace lily, he whipped out a set of testimonials from happy patients he's treated.

In one of the more bizarre dual careers I've come across, it turns out Mr Miracle is both a removals guy and a faith healer.


LottieP said...

I love it. I just wish you'd got a photo of the man.

Mind you, arguably if there's ever a time when you need some healin', it's just after you've moved house...

Sara said...

I used him when i moved, he is amazing. He told me that i had a problem with my liver, which i laughed at. Months later i saw a chinese doc who told me that my chi was stuck in my liver, he was probably right and not just a crazy old man.

Have a great time in your new home, may it be filled with men with no morals!

Unknown said...

hmmm.....maybe i should get him back for some healing?

and what do you mean, men with no morals???? what kind of flat do you think this is?????????

Anonymous said...

an F Flat?

LottieP said...

Anonymous! Wash your keyboard out with soap.

Anonymous said...

Alright, a G flat then.

& I do clean my keyboard often.
Do you know what I find in there?

Polimuse said...

Hi. I need mr miracle's tel number if you have it. A friend needs hauling and I have taken all the old cards out of my wallet. I recommend Miracle highly if you have a small amount of stuff to move and for hauling service. He is a nice guy. He has helped me off and on for ten years now. Tx

Unknown said...

Hi Carrie

Mr Miracle can be found at 93145261
