Thursday, 27 March 2008

Video Killed the Radio Star

And more's the pity if you ask me!

At the beginning of February, in manner of engaging, enlightened boss who practises what she preaches, I held an off site team day for the Hong Kong office. Not content with just getting everyone together, I also engaged a good friend here, L, to film the day with us, and get us using the camera.

All good fun. Until, that is, two things happened.

The first is the resignation of one of my team. Admittedly she will continue to work with us as an associate, and it is the best configuration all round, but what now to do with the footage of her banging on about her hopes and dreams for the forthcoming year??? I'm fairly sure, although my memory's not crystal clear on this, that one of them wasn't leaving the company.....

The second was viewing the rough cut of the film last night. Who was that wrinkly, tired looking, funny chinned woman with the oddly posh voice? Surely not......

I now have options.

1. cosmetic surgery.
2. photo shopping Uma Thurman in for me in the video
3. getting over myself.....


Anonymous said...

#3 Please Bob.

& it's not as bleak as all that. GrandPoohBear does not appear to suffer from a paucity of male admirers (as far as I can tell from her Blog) despite these alleged imperfections

Mummy said...

Wear a lower cut top. In my humble experience, ladies with racks like ours could have two heads and few men would notice if we had on a low top and good bra :-)

Anonymous said...

Definitely number 3.

You don't want to look:
a. permanently startled (botox)
b. like you have been snogging a beehive (lip fillers)
or c. like you have done a bungey jump with the elastic tied to your ears (face lift) .

I find, when I am feeling old and wrinkly and thinking 'maybe I should go and get some work done', that looking at photos of any or all of the following always helps:

Michael Jackson
Joan Rivers
Pete Burns
Melanie Griffith
Burt Reynolds
Jocelyn Wildenstein
William Shatner
Donatella Versace

Need I go on...

You are just perfect as you are, posh voice, wrinkles and all.

Sara said...

Hola Chica

Your perfect just the way you are.

Once you start down the fix it road you will be fixing it for ever. Surgery and botox are high maintenance, you will need little touch ups here and there until the end of time.

Try massaging vaseline into your forehead, upward motion. I know someone that did it and she had lovely skin.
